Portal Hypertension Splenic Surgery

We provide diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy services with wide spectrum.

Portal hypertension - splenic surgery

Intestinal surgery

Abdominal hernia

Portal hypertension - splenic surgery

An abdominal wall hernia is a protrusion of abdominal contents through the abdominal wall. A hernia consists of :

  • Contents (e.g. bowel omentum).
  • Sac (e.g., peritoneum).
  • External coverings (skin and subcutaneous tissue).

Hernias occur at natural points of weakness .After abdominal surgery, abdominal wall healing never reaches 100%. An iatrogenic weakness remains, thus predisposing to the formation of a hernia. Such weaknesses may be exacerbated by conditions that increase intra-abdominal pressure such as ascites, chronic cough, constipation, urinary outflow obstruction, and heavy lifting.

The four major types of hernia are:

  • Reducible-the contents of the hernia will return easily to the abdomen cavity.
  • Irreducible or incarcerated-the contents cannot be completely reduced. This situation may be chronic, in which case bowel or omental viability is not in question. In acute cases, bowel viability may become acutely compromised.
  • Strangulated-the contents of the sac become stuck through the hernial orifice and the blood supply is cut off so that the bowel becomes ischemic. Patients have symptoms of small bowel obstruction, and the hernia is a tender, inflamed swelling.
  • Sliding-the sac may contain bowel, which is adherent to the sac, so that it cannot be reduced separately (e.g., sigmoid colon).

Types of hernia

  • Inguinal hernia
  • Incisional hernia
  • Umbilical hernia
  • Femoral hernia